Thursday, November 17, 2011

rough draft

Can you imagine a place where you share the same restroom with hundreds and even thousands of people you don’t know? Well people are living like that right now in what is called “slums”? Slums are defined by the United Nations as “poor sanitation and very crowded. “Most of the slums in the world are in a very urban area. There is a very big city and right outside the big city lie shantytowns and slums. There are currently many slums right know in the world but the worse slums are in Mumbai. In Mumbai the slum population reaches into the hundred thousands of people. Slums are a very bad place to live in because there are a lot of people, no money, and very dirty ugly place to live in.

            Primary, the huge amount of people have an effect on the slums pollution because it leads to dieses being made and spread easier Diseases are the number one killer in the world today. They are the number one killer because if some of the diesies aren’t treated right away it can cause death. And most slums don’t have medicine to cure these dieses because of it huge population. Also there are only a few restrooms for a really big population and it gets very dirty and nasty. In the slums there are open sewers witch means that the poop that someone does stays there and just rots. In source 2 Fink says, “Yeah there are open sewers”. Another reason why slums are very poor is because there is no money

The next bad thing that slums have is that there is no money in slums. People make little or no money because there is very few jobs in the slums.” You can make a living off a dollar a day,” says Fink from source 2. The two reason there is no money is because there is a huge amount of people and everyone wants a job. For that reason there are many robberies and sleazing in slums so it makes it dangerous. That is why the crime rate in slums is very high. There are small jobs like pottery and other small jobs.

            Lastly slums are very nasty and ugly. There is no sewage. The air is really bad. Also there is trash everywhere. There are no trashcans and everything is polluted. There is no drinking water because it is very dirty. Everywhere where there are people there is trash. “It is a very dirty,” says Fink from source 2.

            Many people that live in slums don’t really mind how things are because that is the only thing they have ever done. They don’t mind if it is dirty because they don’t have anywhere else to go. In conclusion for any other person who goes to a slum would not like to live there. Slums are a bad place to live to in because there is too many people, no money, and very dirty and ugly.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Miss. Jaeger

World geography

November 7, 2011


Can you imagine a place where you share the same restroom with hundreds and even thousands of people you don’t know? Well people are living like that right now in what is called “slums”? Slums are defined by the United Nations as “poor sanitation and very crowded. “Most of the slums in the world are in a very urban area. There is a very big city and right outside the big city lie shantytowns and slums. There are currently many slums right know in the world but the worse slums are in Mumbai. In Mumbai the slum population reaches into the hundred thousands of people. Slums are a very bad place to live in because there are a lot of people, no money, and very dirty ugly place to live in.

            Primary, the huge amount of people have an effect on the slums pollution because it leads to dieses being made and spread easier Diseases are the number one killer in the world today. They are the number one killer because if some of the diesies aren’t treated right away it can cause death. And most slums don’t have medicine to cure these dieses because of it huge population. Also there are only a few restrooms for a really big population and it gets very dirty and nasty. In the slums there are open sewers witch means that the poop that someone does stays there and just rots. In source 2 Fink says, “Yeah there are open sewers”. Another reason why slums are very poor is because there is no money

The next bad thing that slums have is that there is no money in slums. People make little or no money because there is very few jobs in the slums.” You can make a living off a dollar a day,” says Fink from source 2. The two reason there is no money is because there is a huge amount of people and everyone wants a job. For that reason there are many robberies and sleazing in slums so it makes it dangerous. That is why the crime rate in slums is very high. There are small jobs like pottery and other small jobs.

            Lastly slums are very nasty and ugly. There is no sewage. The air is really bad. Also there is trash everywhere. There are no trashcans and everything is polluted. There is no drinking water because it is very dirty. Everywhere where there are people there is trash. “It is a very dirty,” says Fink from source 2.

            Many people that live in slums don’t really mind how things are because that is the only thing they have ever done. They don’t mind if it is dirty because they don’t have anywhere else to go. In conclusion for any other person who goes to a slum would not like to live there. Slums are a bad place to live to in because there is too many people, no money, and very dirty and ugly.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Primarily, pollution affects the population because it leads to more diseases being spread and more people dying. deasies are the number one killer in the world today. they are the number one killer because if they are not handled with care and fast they can spread in your whole body and kill you. ."Swater people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhod and other diseases that can be deadly..."slums... are-in a sense- giant cesspools. Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leaches into the. slums are very dirty and nasty.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My out line x)

A. A life with no sanitation and where filth is an everyday meal is not exactly the life anyone wants.
B. A slum is an overpopulated urban area that lives in poverty.
C. Slums negatively affect human population because they are very polluted, overcrowded, and no resources left
D. Toward the causes of why pollution affects the Human Populations in Slums

II. Defendable Point #1
A. Primarily, pollution affects the population because it leads to more diseases being spread and more people dying.
B. i."Slums... are-in a sense- giant cesspools. Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhod and other diseases that can be deadly..."
   ii. The unsanitation of slums affect the people by giving them diseases that can be deadly.
C. Slums are so dirty that the food and water that the people consume gets contamintaed which leads to them getting diseases that can potentionally kill them if not treated.
D. Part of the cause of the pollution in the slums is that they are overpopulated.

III. Defendable Point #2
A. Secondarily, overpopulation also affects people living in the slums.
B. i."Kibera's true population isn't known, but there are probably as many people living here as there are in San Francisco, packed into housing few Americans could phantom."
    ii.There is more or less the same amount of people in the slum as there is in San Francisco.
C.The slums are overpopulated and they are still increasing.
D.Even though slums being overpopulated the government still does not care for the people living in slums.

IV. Defendable Point #3
A. Lastly, all the resoruces like water food and shelter start to go down
B. i." The slums are like self-contained cities, but they operate with little official recognition or assistance".
   ii. slums have very little resoures and no help from the goverment
C. Slums get hardly any help from the government which means that they have little or no medications, no water, shelter, food so it is alwasy messy and ugly
D.That concludes how the slums are

V. Conclusion
A. That concludes why slums have a negative effect on people.
B. Slums negatively affect human population because they are very polluted, overcrowded, and have little to no resoureces
C. The pollution in slums leads to death. The overpopulation in slums affect the amount of resources people get. The lack of resorces can also lead to death.
D. If not properly managed, slums can eventually be more than half of the population.

i changed my theisies a little bit i think this sounds better 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


there are many things going on in the slums. and no the slums in hollowood. the real slums. there are so many things that are bad. there is no food. no money. and really dirty